Sunday, November 4, 2007

Finding the Way

For those of us who are in constant turmoil and nothing seems to go our way, this post is for you.

For me, life teaches me adversity on a daily basis. I find myself in situations where I can stand up for what I believe or give in to the pressures of ambient pseudo morality. Unfortunately, things do not always go my way. When negative events happen in my life, I try my best to avoid animosity, but sometimes I do stray from what I know is right. Basically what I'm saying is that life may get me down, but in the end, God shows me the error of my ways and puts me back on the path of righteousness.

Isiah 30:21 states, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you , saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'

Wow, is this not a novel idea? Listening to God, it is such an obvious way to go. This is truly a, "Wow, I could have had a V8," moment. We all, or I should say I, go through life getting irritated at people before I have the frame of mind to actually listen to what God wants of me.

I know that it has become cliche to say this, but here it comes anyway. God has a plan for us all. He has given us all special talents or put us in certain places in life for a reason. Now, we may not always see what he has planned for us, but if we pray and listen, he will show us the way. Opportunities and obstacles do not happen by chance. Approach each day as an opportunity to do God's will and happiness will follow.

May God Bless you in all endeavours.

-Brian Moore

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