Monday, March 24, 2008

Christian Documentaries

This past weekend, I tried to find some time to unwind and find a semi-vegetative state of mind. Consequently I turned on the television and began channel surfing like a pro. While doing so, I stopped on a series on the Discovery Channel about the life of Jesus. I assumed the content would offer a bit of leisure time. Instead, I was disappointed.

Let me begin by saying that I understand the unfortunate truth that not every person in this world believes in Christ...or any religious entity, but when we Christians, who by the way are still in the majority, are in the midst of one of our most cherished times of the Christian faith, it would be nice to watch documentaries which actually reflect our views. This particular program explained the Christian belief in the death and resurrection of our savior, but went further and explained why some people believe it not to be true.

I would like to unbiased documentaries produced by historians who believe. I guess what I am discouraged with is the fact that they can't even produce on brief documentary without blaspheming or trying to disprove our faith. The explanations they give are absurd with no proof. If the producers do not believe what we believe, then they should find another topic rather than defacing what we hold dear.

Am I the only one who gets irritated with this? Maybe so.



Anonymous said...

I've been having the exact same thought. I'm in the midst of figuring out my beliefs. It's hard to figure things out when there are so many people saying so many different things.

I just recently saw the movie "Religulous," which is supposed to be a documentary from a skeptic's perspective. I found it was rather biased as opposed to being neutral.

That kind of stuff is so frustrating, but it's nonetheless thought-provoking. I'm currently fighting a battle between my mind and my heart. Science is just so convincing. It makes so much logical and rational sense.

I keep wondering if the "holy spirit" is merely some psychological effect, like a placebo.

Anyway, I'm glad you brought up that point. I know what you mean. Lots of media try to take a neutral or pro-religious stance, though it does quite the opposite. But I can't help to admit that whatever they're trying to do is effective. And I'm left with nothing but doubts.

Thanks for reading.

Very best,

Anonymous said...

I found a list on It's called "Faith-Building Christian Documentaries on DVD Part 1". It is very long, and has two more parts to it. I hope it helps.