Monday, November 12, 2007

Non-Assimilation of Christianity

Have you noticed that there are a lot of Christians running for president for 2008. I hope that you are fully aware that I am using the term "Christians", regarding most of them very loosely. Because I am a very aware of the upsides and downsides of our nation and am very political in my opinions, I watch, listen, and analyze political figures with a skeptical eye. In my opinion, there is only one candidate running in this election that I believe to be a devout Christian, and that is the other fellow from the ZIP Code 71801...yep, you guessed it, Hope, Arkansas. That's right, Mike Huckabee. He is the only one running on "Faith, Family, & Freedom." I do not intend to turn this post or this blog into a political blog spot, but I do want to use politicians for this post.

Where I want to go with this is to point out how simple it is to proclaim yourself as a Christian, while doing very little to prove that you are. It is time for Christians everywhere to grasp their God-given talents and use them to show the world the awe of God.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:14-16, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

He is telling us not to assimilate into societies. Instead, we need to lead societies. We need to lead them to the light by using our own God-given light. Our lights may not necessarily be the same, but God has given each of us a light, a gift, a talent, that we should uniquely use for His glory.

I ask both of you who read this blog to contemplate the gift God has given you and pray for the guidance you will need to use it properly.

God bless you and guide you in all of your endeavors.



Anonymous said...

Brian - interesting sentiments. I too am interested in next years election from a Christian perspective. I think you are right on that politicians (and us regular folks for that matter) prop up Christianity when it is convenient. Forgetting the clear mandates that Jesus gave us.

Which leads me to wonder aloud that if Jesus was running for president of the US - would he get elected?

I don't think there is a CHANCE he would even get a nomination.

(Let me also be clear that I do not think Jesus would run, he would have far more important things to do).

What would his platform look like, just for fun:

Jesus was for helping the poor (the poor don't vote or contribute money in the US, so that will never get you elected)

Jesus believed in loving your neighbor as yourself (what does this say about the death penalty?)

Jesus believed in 'turning the other cheek' (how would that have looked on September 12th, 2001?)


Huckabee thinks the death penalty is needed. What does that say about his stance of "Sanctity of Life".

I am not picking on huckabee - I think you are right that he is living and proclaiming the gospel more than others - and more consistantly.

I just have a hard time supporting any candidate (or president for that matter) who claims to be operating from a Christian life and ignores the parts of scripture that are not in the interest of public opinion.

I know we are all sinners - but seems to me that politicians in this day and age would not follow the example of Jesus very closely.

I don't think there ever is/will be a "perfect candidate" (unless of course Jesus comes back in time to be elected). We will all have to weigh the good and bad of each candidate's positions and how it stacks up against our interpretation of scripture. It is my prayer that candidates are being genuine (with us and with themselves) when they talk about how faith is active in their lives. No one like a liar...

All that being said...VOTE!

Brian said...

Thank you for your input. Now I must confess that I truly did not know of Huck's stance on the death penalty. After all of my listening and analyzing, I failed to even take a look at his thoughts on the subject. Having said this, I still feel that I have more of a tie with him than any of the other candidates.

I must also admit that one the most conflicting part of my beliefs stand with forgiveness. I find it easy enough to forgive transgressions against me, but I can honestly say that on certain crimes, like the murder of children, I find myself not arguing against the death penalty. I am fully aware of the sinful nature of this position, but I guess it is another form of iniquity I cannot overcome very easily.

As for your Jesus for president analogy, I must say that I could not keep myself from smiling when I read this. All good points.

I hope you are enjoying this blog so far. Please feel free to comment anytime.

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

God is never-changing. He always has wanted whats best for His people.When He initiated the Laws for the Israelites,He did whats best for them. BECAUSE of how precious life is He allowed life to be taken at times.

Our idea of the death penalty as a society is skewed. The death penalty is not for punishment but pruning.

Anonymous said...

I am for Huckabee. The first thing that brought me to Huckabee was the pro-life stance. There are a few things I do not agree with and the support for the death penalty is one of them.

That said though, I do not know if that is a Biblical stance. We see God continually giving grace, chances for a person to repent and turn, but the law did require death. Jesus when he say the woman brought to Him about adultry (funny how they never brought the man, just her), He did not condemn her, He told her to go and sin no more. I base me stance against the death penalty on points such as this along with a few secular points.

However though, there is a place in 1Jo 5:16-17 it talks about sin unto death. That gives me reason to at least allow for the possiblity that there is sin unto death. And then there is the story of Ananias and Sapphira. Also Rom 13:1-4 adds to the doubt.

I will not ever vote for someone that supports abortion as it is clearly murder. But Biblically, I cannot stand that strong against the death penalty.

I am not sure if Huckabee is the right person, but I know he is for sure closer to that than any of the others running. In addition, I have seen some video of his most of his family, and they appear to be down to earth.

BTW, if you like Huckabee, you might get a smile out of poll I created. It is one that Huckabee always wins. Try choosing someone else :)