Friday, December 28, 2007

Christian Complacency

For Christmas, I received the book Being the Body, by Charles Colson. While reading the first chapter, I noticed that Colson discussed the complacency of Americans before September 11th. This made me think of the complacency of not just Americans, but of Christians as a whole. Maybe we have become too comfortable with our lives. Maybe we do take our faith and our purpose for this life for granted.

As usual, my brother and I were discussing a similar topic just today. Have we reached the point in today's society that we take God for granted? Do people truly believe that they can make it with Him? I believe so. Technology is beginning to replace the need for God in today's society. Every time the television is turned on, we become indoctrinated into the grand scheme of the world. Arrogance is abundant. No one has time for God anymore. Well, that is until a cataclysmic event happens in their lives.

This reminds me of a story. Several years ago when I was attending OU, there was a gentleman standing outside of Dale Hall handing out free copies of the New Testament. You know, those small versions that easily fit into your back pocket. I remember seeing this man try to hand one to a student passing by. The student informed him that, "I don't believe in that stuff." The man with the Word quipped, "There are a lot of people in Hell right now who believed the same thing."

I think often of those who do not believe. I wonder how many on their death beds repent and come to the Lord. Most I would assume. Then I wonder if they are allowed to enter the Kingdom. I would bet the answer would be yes. They may not have had a long standing relationship with Christ, but they did receive him nonetheless. This proves that the Lord is more loving than I, because I can honestly say that I would struggle to find love for a person who has undermined me their whole life then only accept my ways in the face of condemnation. But I guess that is another example of my humanity.

As for complacent Christians, well now, where do I begin? It is probably easy to become complacent in faith these days. We are told on a daily basis that every sin we commit is okay. It's just a mistake. And that being sinful is okay. Just let everyone be to do as they wish. Do not impose your views....especially if you are Christian. When did we all become so narcissistic?

When my brother and I spoke today, he said something that I have often thought myself. Have you ever had something bad happen to you and then have someone say, "It's okay, everything happens for a reason" or "God has other plans for you." This drives me insane as well. For one thing, if I, for example, jump out in front of a moving car and get hit, don't tell me that everything happens for a reason and wonder why God let something like this happen. This is about free will. He allowed me to make a dumb decision and I have to pay the consequences.

I am a prime example of the God has other plans for you theory. Last summer I had tried to obtain a goal I felt the Lord wanted me to acheive. I prayed about it, my wife and children prayed about it, and I knew this was what I was meant to do. After I was denied the path in which was intended for me, I had several people tell me that God must have other plans for me. I believe that He had plans for me, but those who had control of the situation did not ask Him what He had planned for me. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows?

My point is that sometimes we may believe that we are being good Christians, without praying and asking if we are correct in this assumption. I wonder if we pray too little and think too much. I know this is one of my many faults. I make too many decisions without getting guidance. No matter how sure I am of a decision, I should still take the matter up with the Lord.

God Bless,



Brian said...

Wow, this post may have a anger undertone. It was not meant to ba an outlet of frustration.


Anonymous said...

God did say HE will use the things that happen to us for good, even if it happened due to our stupidity