Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Intentional Zealot

If you watch the evening news, no matter on which station, you will often hear a newscaster speak of "those evangelicals." They say it as if it is something horrific or at the very least absurd. Now that we are in the midst of an election year, the phrase tends to be repeated even more so. Allow me to ask this of you: When you hear the phrase, 'the evangelical Christians,' do you believed it is being used in a negative connotation? I believe that it is.

Speaking for myself, I am offended everytime I hear it used in negative a manner. I am a Christian. I am not perfect, but I do my best to be Christ-like. I would love to be labled a zealot, but am afraid I do not possess the zeal to be labeled as such.

In Titus 2:13-14 it is written, "...our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people who are his very own, who are zealous for what is good." There is no greater good than our Lord. We should be zealous in spreading the Good News.

Maybe we should devote more attention on becoming intentional zealots. In order to live up to the priviledge to call ourselves Christians, we should disseminate our Holy gifts to evangelize. The time for practicing soft Christianity needs to come to an end. The rewards will most definately out weigh the costs.

May God grace you and protect you,


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